interviews - Peppermill Books LTD

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“Let’s Dance While Colour Lights Up Your Face”
An Interview with Semir Alkadi

A few months ago, I had to go to a special occasion and I put on those horrid high-heeled shoes. The dress code required it. I ended up going home in the rain shoes in hand, cursing myself for not putting a pair of sneakers in my bag. My most controversial relationship in my entire life had been with high-heeled shoes. That is till my talk with Semir Alkadi.
I don’t know if that talk has changed my mind about shoes, but surely it made me believe over  and over again in what I had known forever – we are who we are and we can’t be better or more successful by copy-pasting other people’s mechanisms for achieving.
Q: What do you want our readers to know about you?
A: I would say I am a dancer, a choreographer and a dance instructor.
Q: What about your dancing theatre?
A: I have some experience with dancing theatre and have my own troop – Akadamus Dance Theatre which is quite a new thing for Bulgaria because we made the first erotic dance theatre, and I am proud to say that I’m the first one to introduce pole dancing into dance theatre...........

Влюбените са луди – приказка без възраст

Книгата на Гери Дечева „Амантес Аментес“ е една забележителна приказка без възраст, която ни напомня да се огледаме около себе си и да се замислим за изчезващата романтика в живота ни. Как фалшивият морал ражда отчуждение в обществото? Как са общували хората преди сто години и как общуват днес? Гери Дечева и нейната дъщеря Анджела в студиото на „Свободна зона“.

Amantes Amentes  -  Geri Decheva

Mirabelle was the green grass for brainless male cattle, a psychiatric ward for psychopaths. These manly individuals were drawn to her like flies to a piece of shit, which she wanted to believe she was not. The abundance of alcoholics, depressed, bipolar, former or current junkies, geniuses with...
"The HOPE of a new life has no age, there`s no fashion for it.
Едно детско пътешествие със „Синята гора“

Едно детско пътешествие със „Синята гора“. Детските книжки и благотворителността. Гости в студиото са Анджела Дечева и Гергана Дечева.

Book The blue forest
The Blue Forest
One day as it was floating here and there, the Little Curious Glass Lantern stopped mid-air above a forest all in blue. The Blue Forest it was called, that is the truth. The heating sunny rays were weaving some enchanting nets. The wind was laying soft leaf beds for rest. Who the Lantern saw and who it met? What stories did it write in blue and white? Why did it stay so long, what funny creatures did it meet?
It’s about to tell you in a story short, but so, so sweet.  

Аудио драматизация:
За "Къщата на светулките"

Светулките светят , когато са изплашени или търсят обич. Те отвеждат Джо в шарения свят на Ана. В компанията на забавни герои , през много комични ситуации и оплетени в паяжината на малко сарказъм и тъга , те търсят моста между два свята.


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Gergana Decheva
+359 88 261 4385
+359 88 337 9697

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